
Post Office Cafe

The Post Office Cafe was opened May 2023 and offers a variety of delicious options, for example, Post Office Parcels (wrap), Toasted Sandwiches, London Bridge Croissants, freshly baked Meat and Salad Rolls.  We also offer a selection of sweet treats, coffee, tea, milkshakes and cooldrinks.  We are open 7 days a week from 07:00am until 02:00pm so don't miss out.  Please note that there are no ATMs in Sandstone.

Sport & Recreation

The  Sandstone golf course is used regularly by the Sandstone community and we welcome visitors to play a round. Golf clubs can be hired from the Visitors Centre on 99635061 (April to Sept) or contact the Shire office.

A Bowling Green is the latest addition to Sandstone. Feel free to play a game or two (BYO bowls) or join in on one of the regular community games.

For more information on the Sandstone golf course or Bowling Green, please contact the Shire office on (08) 9963 5802.